The 2025 Goostrey Rose Queen will be chosen on Saturday 15 March and this year, year 6 and 7 girls, who have taken part in two of the last three Rose Days, are eligible.

As there is a limited number of girls that can be selected for the retinue, this year there will be a two part process to select the Rose Queen and her attendants.


We are asking each girl to compose a letter to tell us a bit more about themselves, why they should be Rose Queen or an attendant and how they will show commitment to the role. This can be typed, handwritten or recorded. This will be seen by the Rose Festival Committee and the Judging Panel.


To be selected as the Rose Queen the girl will need to attend the selection event on 15 March where each candidate will be interviewed by a small panel of independent judges.


On the same day as the Rose Queen is chosen the infant party will take place in the village hall during the afternoon. That evening there will again be a quiz to help raise funds for Rose Day.

The infant children’s party, which will take place from 2.30-4pm, is for pre-school children, aged 3 and over, reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Pre-school and reception class children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. The cost is £2 per child and parents are asked to bring along a prize which can be used on the tombola stall on Rose Day. There will be a pop-up café for parents. After the party, at approx. 4.00pm, the name of the Rosebud Queen, a girl from Year 2, will be drawn from a hat.


The quiz will take place in the village hall at 7.30pm. Teams of up to six can take part in the quiz and tickets, which cost £5 per person are now available from Peter Gomes or on 07867 798848 or 01477 535971. 


If anyone can help with the infant children’s party or the quiz, please contact the Chair Christina Burgess at Tel 535443.